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Communication with the judicial branch

(1) The procurement supervision unit is commissioned to investigate any misconduct in the government procuring process. If any breach is discovered, the unit will instruct the procuring entity to rectify the error or discipline relevant personnel and oversee the proceedings.
(2) If suppliers are found to have conducted collusion actions in the tendering process, or if procuring entity personnel are discovered to be involved in corruption, leaking of secrets or profiting from office, the unit should submit the case to the judiciary. In the meantime, if the case is grave and serious and carries indication of corruption, the unit can also notify the Ministry of Justice, in an effort to enhance intergovernmental cooperation against corruption. The details are disclosed in Appendix 14 of the PCC's notification No. 90047184 dated Nov. 28, 2001.
(3) The procurement supervision unit is complementary to the judicial branch and the government's ethics agency in terms of deterring misconduct in procurement. Cooperation and communication among the three institutions should effectively curb illegal actions in government procurement and give the procuring platform more fairness, justice, and transparency.