
正式通過子法 (英文版)


  1. 查核金額/公告金額 (Thresholds for Government Procurement) (doc)(pdf)
  2. 機關採購工作及審查小組設置及作業辦法(Regulations Governing the Organization and Operation of the Working and Evaluation Group of Procurement by Entities)  (doc)(pdf)
  3. 外國廠商參與非條約協定採購處理辦法 (Regulations Governing the Participation of Foreign Suppliers in the Procurement Not Subject to Any Treaties or Agreements) (doc)(pdf)
  4. 機關邀請或委託文化藝術專業人士機構團體表演或參與文藝活動作業辦法(Regulations for Inviting or Entrusting Cultural or Art Professionals, Institutions, or Organizations to Perform or Join in Cultural or Art Activities) (doc)(pdf)
  5. 中央機關未達公告金額採購招標辦法 (Tendering Regulations of Central Government Entities for Procurement of a Value Not Reaching the Threshold for Publication) (doc)(pdf)
  6. 統包實施辦法 (Regulations for the Implementation of Procurement on a Turn-key Basis) (doc)(pdf)
  7. 共同投標辦法 (Regulations for Joint Tendering)(HTML) (doc)(pdf)
  8. 招標期限標準 (Standards for Time-limits for Tendering ) (doc)(pdf)
  9. 投標廠商資格與特殊或巨額採購認定標準 (Standards for Qualifications of Tenderers and Determination of Special or Large Procurement) ( doc)│( pdf)
  10. 國內廠商標價優惠實施辦法 (Regulations for the Implementation of Price Preference by Local Suppliers) (doc)(pdf)
  11. 最有利標評選辦法 (Regulations for Evaluation of the Most Advantageous Tender) ( doc)│( pdf)
  12. 採購契約要項 Essential Requirements for Procurement Contracts) (doc)(pdf)
  13. 共同供應契約實施辦法 (Regulations for the Implementation of Inter-entity Supply Contracts)(HTML) (doc)(pdf)
  14. 採購評選委員會組織準則 (Regulations Governing the Organization of Procurement Evaluation Committee) ( doc) ( pdf)
  15. 採購評選委員會審議規則 (Regulations for Review by Procurement Evaluation Committee)( doc)│( pdf)
  16. 機關優先採購環境保護產品辦法 (Regulations for Priority Procurement of Eco-Products ) (doc)(pdf)
  17. 扶助中小企業參與政府採購辦法 (Regulations Governing Assistance for Small and Medium Enterprises Participating in Government Procurement)(HTML) (doc)(pdf)
  18. 特殊軍事採購適用範圍及處理辦法 (Regulations for Coverage and Handling of Special Military Procurement)(HTML) (doc)(pdf)
  19. 特別採購招標決標處理辦法 (Regulations for Invitation to Tender and Award of Contract in Special Procurement ) (doc)(pdf)
  20. 採購人員倫理準則 (Ethics Regulations for Procurement Personnel) (doc)(pdf)
  21. 政府採購法施行細則 (Enforcement Rules of the Government Procurement Act) (doc)(pdf)
  22. 替代方案實施辦法 (Regulations for the Implementation of Alternative Offers) (doc)(pdf)
  23. 電子採購作業辦法 (Regulations for Electronic Procurement) (doc)(pdf)
  24. 政府採購公告及公報發行辦法 (Regulations for Publication of Government Procurement Notices and Government Procurement Gazette) ( doc) ( pdf)
  25. 採購申訴審議收費辦法 (Regulations Governing Fees for the Complaint Review for Government Procurement) (doc)(pdf)
  26. 採購申訴審議規則 (Regulations Governing the Complaint Review for Government Procurement) (doc)(pdf)
  27. 採購履約爭議調解規則 (Regulations Governing the Mediation for Dispute Regarding the Performance of the Contract for Government Procurement) (doc1)(pdf1) 
  28. 採購履約爭議調解收費辦法 (Regulations Governing Fees for the Mediation for Dispute Regarding the Performance of the Contract for Government Procurement) (doc)(pdf)
  29. 採購申訴審議委員會組織準則 (Organizational Regulations of Complaint Review Board for Government Procurement) (doc)(pdf)
  30. 機關指定地區採購房地產作業辦法 (Regulations for Procurement of Real Property in Designated Areas by Entities) 
  31. 押標金保證金暨其他擔保作業辦法 (Regulations for Bid Bond, Guarantee Bond and Other Guarantees) (doc)(pdf)
  32. 採購稽核小組組織準則 (Regulations Governing the Organization of Procurement Supervision Units) (doc)(pdf)
  33. 採購稽核小組作業規則 (Regulations Governing the Operation of Procurement Supervision Units) (doc)
  34. 機關委託專業服務廠商評選及計費辦法 (Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation of Professional Services Providers Entrusted by Entities)
  35. 機關委託資訊服務廠商評選及計費辦法 (Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation of Information Services Providers Entrusted by Entities)
  36. 機關委託技術服務廠商評選及計費辦法 (Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation of Technical Services Providers Entrusted by Entities)
  37. 機關辦理設計競賽廠商評選及計費辦法 (Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation in Relation to Design Contest Held by Entities) (doc)(pdf)
  38. 機關委託社會福利服務廠商評選及計費辦法 (Regulation for Selection and Fee Calculation of Social Welfare Service Providers Entrusted by Entities) (doc)(pdf)